Piano Key Leveling


Piano Key Leveling


As part of the regulating process you want to go through and make sure all your keys are leveled and at the same height. As piano keys are played the felt underneath the keys become worn and then they become unleveled.
Before starting you want to remove the keyboard slip, you also need to determine what should the correct height of the key should be in order to begin the leveling process and this is to get all the keys at the same level. Place a lightweight ruler or level on top of the keys to determine how unleveled your keys are. Use a small flashlight and shine it behind the keys if the light shines through it needs adjusting (when doing this make sure the level is placed on the edge of the higher keys). The same process applies to the sharp keys (Black ones).
If you tap on the keys very softly and you hear a click (when key hits the level or ruler you placed on top of the key) that key is high enough. When you hear no click that key is low and it will need to be leveled.

First you want to remove the key by lifting straight up off the pin. Then you can use a pair of tweezers or a Piano Punching Lifter to lift off the felt punching. Any time that you replace the key felt punching you will need to level the key. Once you have replaced the key punching you can do the clicking noise test, you can also run your finger over the keys to feel if leveled or not.

This process of leveling the keys you do after you have square and spaced your keys


Article courtesy Gemm Piano Supply

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